In Year Admissions (Years 7-11) Academic Year 2024-25
Currently, there are no in-year vacancies.
At any point from January after the pupil starts Year 7, parents/carers may apply for a place at the school.
Any applicant who cannot be offered a place will be added to the school’s waiting list and parents/carers will be informed of their right of appeal. If a vacancy arises, candidates on the waiting list will be invited to take a test and the place will be awarded to the highest scoring candidate above a minimum standard. We also prefer students to be studying French or German at their current school.
Parents/carers will need to reapply at the start of each academic year if they want their child to be included on the waiting list where a place cannot be offered.
The Academy aims to notify parents/carers of the outcome of their in-year application within 10 school days, and we will notify parents/carers in writing within 15 school days.
In-year vacancies normally only become available if a current pupil is leaving the school.
If you would like to add your son's name to our waiting list, please follow the link below to complete the Google Form. Please note that the waiting list is only active for the current academic year. A place could become available at any time. Please do not complete the waiting list unless you are prepared for your child to start with us immediately if they are offered a place.