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School Rules & Homework

School Rules

School rules


Homework is any work or activity which pupils do outside lesson time. Homework is compulsory for all pupils at Camp Hill.


We believe that homework makes an important contribution to pupils’ progress at Camp Hill. It is a valuable and essential part of school work and it allows teaching time to be used to the maximum effect. It enables pupils to:

  • extend school learning by pursuing their studies in greater depth and breadth
  • improve independent learning by encouraging pupils to develop the skills, confidence and motivation needed to study effectively on their own (this is vital given the importance for pupils in a future of life long learning and adaptability)
  • consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding developed at school, e.g. learning by doing practice tests and examination papers
  • complete work not suited to classroom situations, e.g. research, learning for tests
  • manage particular demands such as GCSE and A Level coursework

The monitoring of homework by teachers and parents helps to reinforce the important relationship which needs to exist between school and home if the pupils are to make satisfactory academic progress.

Research has shown that the weekly completion of homework is an essential ingredient in the eventual success of pupils in public examinations.

  1. Parents and pupils should be aware of the school homework policy and the homework timetable which has been developed for their son in any academic year.
  2. We ask all parents to support their son in his completion of homework tasks by:
  • providing somewhere quiet where he can do his homework (he should not be listening to music or watching television at the same time)
  • providing a suitable surface to complete his homework e.g. at a table or a desk
  • encouraging him to avoid leaving his homework until the last minute
  • undertaking regular monitoring of his homework planner (he should enter details of what work has been set and when and where it is to be handed in) and to sign the planner on a weekly basis. Diaries will be regularly checked by Form teachers
  • providing suitable encouragement for their son to meet the homework requirements and to praise him when he has done so
  1. If for any reason homework is not done, parents are asked to send a note of explanation.
  2. Pupils should complete homework fully and to the best of their ability. They should hand it in on time at the appropriate location.
  3. Homework:
  • should be done only at home or in the homework club in the School Library or the Common Room.
  • should be completed using the appropriate equipment
  • should be completed in a quiet environment (not whilst listening to music or watching television)
  • should not be left to the last minute
  • should take precedence over social activities

    6.    Year 10 & 11 Homework Club and Lower School Homework Club

  • For those students who are experiencing problems with organisation, execution, understanding or any other aspect of homework
  • Purpose is to help, assist students by direct contact with staff or mentors
  • Students may volunteer to attend or staff may make recommendation

   7.  Pupils should ask for further guidance and support from their subject teacher if they do not ​​​​​ understand what is expected by a particular task before the deadline for completion.

   8.  Pupils should ask for further guidance and support from their form tutor and Head of Year if they find it  difficult to complete homework.