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Statutory Relationships Education


/All young people have a right to an education which adequately prepares them for adult life and quality Relationships and Sexuality Education is of paramount importance. Learning begins informally with parents, guardians and carers and continues throughout school and in to adult life.
As young people grow and develop they need to acquire knowledge, understanding and skills and develop their own attitudes, beliefs and values, about personal and social relationships and gender issues. At Camp Hill we see ourselves as supporting and helping parents to fulfil this responsibility.
The attitude, beliefs and behaviour of pupils in all their relationships are primarily formed and greatly influenced by their experiences within the family and the relationship they have with their parents/guardians. RSE in school is intended therefore to supplement and complement what goes on at home.

Relationships and sex education (RSE) should always be delivered as part of a planned, developmental PSHE education programme. The Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) aspect of
PSHE education will be compulsory in all secondary schools from 2020, and 'Relationships Education' compulsory in all primary schools.
Statutory guidance for Relationships, RSE and Health education was published in June 2019 and will replace existing statutory SRE guidance from 2000. This new guidance outlines what schools must cover – though not everything that schools should cover – in PSHE from 2020, and we are beginning to update our provision accordingly.

RSE at Camp Hill Boys aims to help students to develop knowledge, skills and understanding relationships and sex. We want to help young people lead confident, healthy lives to enable them to be active citizens with due regard to the value of family life in all its forms.

The aims of this policy are to:

  • Prepare students to progress from adolescence to adulthood with an awareness of the rights of others and develop the capacity to make choices in a caring and sensitive manner.
  • Enable students to conduct personal relationships with a full understanding of the meaning of responsibility.
  • Enable students to conduct their lives with confidence knowing their own legal rights.


RSE is part of a planned, cohesive and coherent PSHE Education Programme, delivered in all years from Year 7 to Year 13. Students will receive SRE through their PSHE sessions. Some aspects are also addressed in Science (KS3 and KS4, Attainment Target 2) and in other curricular areas including assemblies where appropriate.
All students within the school have equal access to RSE. Topics are revisited in order to allow provision for previous absence and different levels of understanding and maturity. The programme allows teachers to adapt materials and approaches to suit students of different learning abilities.
The school recognises the importance of continued health education in the post-16 context. PSHE is provided for all students as part of their general education in the 6th Form. Part of the post-16 PSHE curriculum will include Sex and Relationships Education, which will consciously build on the KS4 curriculum. Students will be expected to further their knowledge, understanding and skills in this area by receiving input from the PSHE team as well as visits from Health Service staff and those in supporting agencies drawn from the locality


The school follows the curriculum guidance from the Department for Education which can be found here.

The key topic areas that students will learn about are drawn from the DfE guidance and are:

  1. Families
  2. Respectful relationships, including friendships
  3. Online and Media
  4. Being safe
  5. Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health

We follow guidance from the DFE and PSHE association when planning lessons and using resources.
Most of the time our lessons are bespoke for CHB however we do sometimes use pre-existing materials such as:

  • Disrespect Nobody: The Home Office Disrespect NoBody PSHE education teaching materials are designed to support the Government’s campaign to help prevent abusive behaviours within young people’s relationships. We use parts of this campaign in Year 9 and Year 11
  • Rise Above: We use parts of this campaign in Year 9 and Year 11.